.. simqso documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Apr 7 16:28:20 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. simqso ====== Welcome to the simqso documentation! simqso is a set of tools for generating mock quasar spectra and photometry. Simulated quasar spectra are built from a series of components. Common quasar models are built-in, such as a broken power-law continuum model and Gaussian emission line templates; however, the code allows user-defined features to be included. Mock spectra are generated at arbitrary resolution and can be used to produce broadband photometry representative of a number of surveys. simqso consists of the following modules: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: source/* Quasar Recipes ============== A quasar spectra model can be constructed step-by-step either in an object-oriented fashion (using objects from :mod:`simqso.sqgrids`) or through a set of parameters defined by a dictionary. A simple reconstruction of the BOSS DR9 quasar population using parameters can be found in bossqsos_ (see also the notebook_), while a worked example of building a simulation from objects is given in GridExamples_. .. _bossqsos: https://github.com/imcgreer/simqso/blob/master/examples/bossqsos.py .. _notebook: https://github.com/imcgreer/simqso/blob/master/examples/bossqsos_example.ipynb .. _GridExamples: https://github.com/imcgreer/simqso/blob/master/examples/GridExamples.ipynb Emission lines can be added as a series of arbitary Gaussian profiles or using the built-in templates based on composite spectra of BOSS quasars. See EmissionLineTemplates_ for a description of the built-in templates. .. _EmissionLineTemplates: https://github.com/imcgreer/simqso/blob/master/examples/EmissionLineTemplates.ipynb SimpleSpecExample_ puts this all together and shows how to build a complete quasar spectrum, as well as how the individual components contribute to the final spectrum. .. _SimpleSpecExample: https://github.com/imcgreer/simqso/blob/master/examples/SimpleSpecExample.ipynb Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`