Source code for simqso.hiforest

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function

import os
from collections import OrderedDict,namedtuple
import multiprocessing
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import scipy.constants as const
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table,vstack,hstack

from .sqbase import datadir,fixed_R_dispersion,resample

# shorthands
exp,sqrt,log = np.exp,np.sqrt,np.log
c_kms = const.c/1e3
sqrt_pi = sqrt(np.pi)
sigma_c = 6.33e-18 # cm^-2
fourpi = 4*np.pi

def _getlinelistdata():
    # Line list obtained from Prochaska's XIDL code
    linelist = fits.getdata(os.path.join(datadir,'all_lin.fits'))
    Hlines = np.array([i for i in range(linelist.size) 
                           if 'HI' in linelist['ION'][i]])
    transitionParams = {}
    for n,idx in enumerate(Hlines[::-1],start=2):
        transitionParams[n] = (linelist.WREST[idx],
    return transitionParams

transitionParams = _getlinelistdata()

# default is to go up to 32->1
default_lymanseries_range = (2,33)

[docs]def generate_los(model,zmin,zmax): ''' Given a model for the distribution of absorption systems, generate a random line-of-sight populated with absorbers. returns (z,logNHI,b) for each absorption system. ''' abs_dtype = [('z',np.float32),('logNHI',np.float32),('b',np.float32)] absorbers = [] for component,p in model.items(): if zmin > p['zrange'][1] or zmax < p['zrange'][0]: # outside the redshift range of this forest component continue # parameters for the forest component (LLS, etc.) absorber distribution NHImin,NHImax = p['logNHrange'] NHImin,NHImax = 10**NHImin,10**NHImax z1 = max(zmin,p['zrange'][0]) z2 = min(zmax,p['zrange'][1]) beta = p['beta'] mbeta1 = -beta+1 gamma1 = p['gamma'] + 1 # expectation for the number of absorbers at this redshift # (inverting n(z) = N0*(1+z)^gamma) N = (p['N0']/gamma1) * ( (1+z2)**gamma1 - (1+z1)**gamma1 ) # sample from a Poisson distribution for <N> n = stats.poisson.rvs(N,size=1)[0] # invert the dN/dz CDF to get the sample redshifts x = np.random.random_sample(n) z = (1+z1)*((((1+z2)/(1+z1))**gamma1 - 1)*x + 1)**(1/gamma1) - 1 # invert the NHI CDF to get the sample column densities x = np.random.random_sample(n) NHI = NHImin*(1 + x*((NHImax/NHImin)**mbeta1 - 1))**(1/mbeta1) # try: # fixed b b = np.array([p['b']]*n,dtype=np.float32) except KeyError: # dn/db ~ b^-5 exp(-(b/bsig)^-4) (Hui & Rutledge 1999) bsig = p['bsig'] bmin,bmax = p['brange'] bexp = lambda b: exp(-(b/bsig)**-4) x = np.random.random_sample(n) b = bsig*(-np.log((bexp(bmax)-bexp(bmin))*x + bexp(bmin)))**(-1./4) # absorber = np.empty(n,dtype=abs_dtype) absorber['z'] = z absorber['logNHI'] = np.log10(NHI) absorber['b'] = b absorbers.append(absorber) absorbers = np.concatenate(absorbers) # return sorted by redshift return absorbers[absorbers['z'].argsort()]
[docs]def voigt(a,x): '''Tepper-Garcia 2006, footnote 4 (see erratum)''' x2 = x**2 Q = 1.5/x2 H0 = exp(-x2) return H0 - (a/sqrt_pi)/x2 * (H0*H0*(4*x2*x2 + 7*x2 + 4 + Q) - Q - 1)
[docs]def sum_of_voigts(wave,tau_lam,c_voigt,a,lambda_z,b,tauMin,tauMax): ''' Given arrays of parameters, compute the summed optical depth spectrum of absorbers using Voigt profiles. Uses the Tepper-Garcia 2006 approximation for the Voigt function. ''' umax = np.clip(sqrt(c_voigt * (a/sqrt_pi)/tauMin),5.0,np.inf) # ***assumes constant velocity bin spacings*** dv = (wave[1]-wave[0])/(0.5*(wave[0]+wave[1])) * c_kms du = dv/b bnorm = b/c_kms npix = (umax/du).astype(np.int32) for i in range(len(a)): w0 = np.searchsorted(wave,lambda_z[i]) i1 = max(0,w0-npix[i]) i2 = min(len(wave),w0+npix[i]) if np.all(tau_lam[i1:i2] > tauMax): continue # the clip is to prevent division by zero errors u = np.abs((wave[i1:i2]/lambda_z[i]-1)/bnorm[i]).clip(1e-5,np.inf) tau_lam[i1:i2] += c_voigt[i] * voigt(a[i],u) return tau_lam
# from
[docs]class Singleton: def __init__(self,decorated): self._decorated = decorated
[docs] def Instance(self,*args,**kwargs): try: inst = self._instance #self._argcheck(*args) except AttributeError: self._instance = self._decorated(*args,**kwargs) inst = self._instance return inst
def __call__(self): raise TypeError('Must be accessed through "Instance()".') def __instancecheck__(self,inst): return isinstance(inst,self._decorated)
#def _argcheck(self,*args): # raise NotImplementedError @Singleton class VoigtTable(object): ''' Lookup table of Voigt profiles use to precompute low-density absorbers. ''' def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): self._init_table(*args,**kwargs) def _argcheck(self,*args): assert self.dv == args[0] def _init_table(self,*args,**kwargs): wave, = args # ***assumes constant velocity bin spacings*** dv = (wave[1]-wave[0])/(0.5*(wave[0]+wave[1])) * c_kms self.wave0 = wave[0] self.npix = len(wave) self.dv = dv self.dv_c = dv/c_kms # na = kwargs.get('fastvoigt_na',20) loga_min = kwargs.get('fastvoigt_logamin',-8.5) loga_max = kwargs.get('fastvoigt_logamax',-3.0) gamma = kwargs.get('fastvoigt_gamma',1.5) nb = kwargs.get('fastvoigt_nb',20) u_range = kwargs.get('fastvoigt_urange',10) # define the bins in Voigt a parameter using exponential spacings alpha = (loga_max - loga_min) / na**gamma self.logabins = np.array([loga_max - alpha*n**gamma for n in range(na)]) # define the bins in b self.bbins = np.linspace(10.,100.,nb) # self.xv = {} for j,b in enumerate(self.bbins): # offset slightly to avoid division by zero error self.xv[j] = np.arange(1e-5,u_range,dv/b) self.dx = np.array([len(self.xv[j])-1 for j in range(len(self.bbins))]) self.voigt_tab = {} for i in range(na): self.voigt_tab[i] = {} for j in range(nb): vprof = voigt(10**self.logabins[i],self.xv[j]) self.voigt_tab[i][j] = np.concatenate([vprof[::-1][1:],vprof]) def sum_of_voigts(self,a,b,wave,c_voigt,tau_lam): ii = np.argmin(np.abs(np.log10(a)[:,np.newaxis] - self.logabins[np.newaxis,:]),axis=1) jj = np.argmin(np.abs(b[:,np.newaxis]-self.bbins[np.newaxis,:]),axis=1) wc = np.round((np.log(wave) - np.log(self.wave0))/self.dv_c) wc = wc.astype(np.int32) dx = self.dx[jj] w1,w2 = wc-dx,wc+dx+1 x1,x2 = np.zeros_like(dx),2*dx+1 # off left edge of spectrum ll = np.where(w1<0)[0] x1[ll] = -w1[ll] w1[ll] = 0 # off right edge of spectrum ll = np.where(w2>self.npix)[0] x2[ll] = self.npix - w1[ll] w2[ll] = self.npix # within the spectrum! ll = np.where(~((w2<0)|(w1>=self.npix)|(w2-w1<=0)))[0] # now loop over the absorbers and add the tabulated voigt profiles for i,j,k in zip(ii[ll],jj[ll],ll): tau_lam[w1[k]:w2[k]] += \ c_voigt[k] * self.voigt_tab[i][j][x1[k]:x2[k]] return tau_lam
[docs]def fast_sum_of_voigts(wave,tau_lam,c_voigt,a,lambda_z,b, tauMin,tauMax,tauSplit): ''' Given arrays of parameters, compute the summed optical depth spectrum of absorbers using Voigt profiles. Uses the Tepper-Garcia 2006 approximation for the Voigt function for large optical depth systems (defined by tauSplit), and a lookup table for low optical depth systems. ''' voigttab = VoigtTable.Instance(wave) # split out strong absorbers and do full calc ii = np.where(c_voigt >= tauSplit)[0] tau_lam = sum_of_voigts(wave,tau_lam, c_voigt[ii],a[ii],lambda_z[ii],b[ii], tauMin,tauMax) ii = np.where(c_voigt < tauSplit)[0] tau_lam = voigttab.sum_of_voigts(a[ii],b[ii],lambda_z[ii], c_voigt[ii],tau_lam) return tau_lam
[docs]def sum_of_continuum_absorption(wave,tau_lam,NHI,z1,tauMin,tauMax): ''' Compute the summed optical depth for Lyman continuum blanketing given a series of absorbers with column densities NHI and redshifts z1 (=1+z). ''' tau_c_lim = sigma_c*NHI lambda_z_c = 912.*z1 ii = np.where((lambda_z_c > wave[0]) & (tau_c_lim > tauMin))[0] # sort by decreasing column density to start with highest tau systems ii = ii[NHI[ii].argsort()[::-1]] # ending pixel (wavelength at onset of continuum absorption) i_end = np.searchsorted(wave,lambda_z_c[ii],side='right') # starting pixel - wavelength where tau drops below tauMin wave_start = (tauMin/tau_c_lim[ii])**0.333 * wave[i_end] i_start = np.searchsorted(wave,wave_start) # now do the sum for i,i1,i2 in zip(ii,i_start,i_end): # ... only if pixels aren't already saturated if np.any(tau_lam[i1:i2] < tauMax): l1l0 = wave[i1:i2]/lambda_z_c[i] tau_lam[i1:i2] += tau_c_lim[i]*l1l0*l1l0*l1l0 return tau_lam
[docs]def calc_tau_lambda(wave,los,**kwargs): ''' Compute the absorption spectrum, in units of optical depth, for a series of absorbers along a line-of-sight (los). ''' lymanseries_range = kwargs.get('lymanseries_range', default_lymanseries_range) tauMax = kwargs.get('tauMax',15.0) tauMin = kwargs.get('tauMin',1e-5) tau_lam = kwargs.get('tauIn',np.zeros_like(wave)) fast = kwargs.get('fast',True) tauSplit = kwargs.get('fast_tauSplit',1.0) # arrays of absorber properties NHI = 10**los['logNHI'] z1 = 1 + los['z'] b = los['b'] # first apply continuum blanketing. the dense systems will saturate # a lot of the spectrum, obviating the need for calculations of # discrete transition profiles tau_lam = sum_of_continuum_absorption(wave,tau_lam,NHI,z1,tauMin,tauMax) # now loop over Lyman series transitions and add up Voigt profiles for transition in range(*lymanseries_range): # transition properties lambda0,F,Gamma = transitionParams[transition] # Doppler width nu_D = b / (lambda0*1e-13) # Voigt a parameter a = Gamma / (fourpi*nu_D) # wavelength of transition at absorber redshift lambda_z = lambda0*z1 # coefficient of absorption strength (central tau) c_voigt = 0.014971475 * NHI * F / nu_D # all the values used to calculate tau, now just needs line profile if fast: tau_lam = fast_sum_of_voigts(wave,tau_lam, c_voigt,a,lambda_z,b, tauMin,tauMax,tauSplit) else: tau_lam = sum_of_voigts(wave,tau_lam, c_voigt,a,lambda_z,b, tauMin,tauMax) return tau_lam
[docs]class IGMTransmissionGrid(object): ''' Generate a library of forest transmission spectra, by mapping an array of emission redshifts to a set of sightlines. Parameters ---------- wave : `~numpy.ndarray` Input wavelength grid (must be at fixed resolution!). z_em : `~numpy.ndarray` Array containing emission redshifts. nlos : int Number of lines-of-sight to generate. losMap : sequence Optional mapping from z_em to LOS. Must have the same number of elements and be in the range 0..nlos-1. If not provided and nlos>0, losMap is randomly generated. Returns ------- spectra: dict T : `~numpy.ndarray` transmission spectra with shape (N(z),N(wave)) z : `~numpy.ndarray` emission redshift for each spectrum losMap : `~numpy.ndarray` map of z_em <-> line-of-sight wave : `~numpy.ndarray` input wavelength grid voigtcache : bool use a lookup table of Voigt profiles to speed computation (def: True) ''' def __init__(self,wave,forestModel,numSightLines,**kwargs): self.specWave = wave self.forestModel = forestModel self.numSightLines = numSightLines self.verbose = kwargs.get('verbose',0) self.nosortz = kwargs.get('nosortz',False) self.subsample = kwargs.get('subsample',True) self.seed = kwargs.get('seed') self.voigtkwargs = {'fast':kwargs.pop('voigtcache',True)} # pad the lower redshift by just a bit self.zmin = wave.min() / 1215.7 - 1.01 self.zmax = kwargs.get('zmax',10) # Generate the lines-of-sight first, to preserve random generator order if self.verbose: print("Generating {} sightlines".format(self.numSightLines)) if self.verbose > 1: print('... using random seed {}'.format(self.seed)) if self.seed is not None: np.random.seed(self.seed) self.sightLines = [ generate_los(self.forestModel,self.zmin,self.zmax) for i in range(self.numSightLines) ] # default is 10 km/s forestRmin = kwargs.get('Rmin',3e4) logwave = log(wave) dloglam = np.diff(logwave) if not np.allclose(dloglam,dloglam[0]): raise ValueError("Must have constant dloglam") specR = dloglam[0]**-1 self.nRebin = int(np.ceil(forestRmin/specR)) self.forestR = specR * self.nRebin # go a half pixel below the minimum wavelength wavemin = exp(logwave[0]-0.5/specR) # go well beyond LyA to get maximum wavelength wavemax = 1250*(1+self.zmax) wavemax = min(wave[-1],1250*(1+self.zmax)) self.nSpecPix = np.searchsorted(wave,wavemax,side='right') # now make sure it is an integer multiple wavemax = wave[self.nSpecPix-1] self.nPix = self.nSpecPix * self.nRebin self.forestWave = exp( log(wavemin) + self.forestR**-1*np.arange(self.nPix) ) dloglam = self.forestR**-1 self.forestWave = exp( log(wavemin) + dloglam*np.arange(self.nPix) ) # self.tau = np.zeros(self.nPix) if not self.subsample: self.allT = [] self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): self.currentSightLineNum = -1
[docs] def next_spec(self,sightLine,z,**kwargs): if self.currentSightLineNum != sightLine: if self.verbose > 1: print('finished sightline ',self.currentSightLineNum) # self.currentSightLine = generate_los(self.forestModel, # self.zmin,self.zmax) self.currentSightLine = self.sightLines[sightLine] self.currentSightLineNum = sightLine self.tau[:] = 0.0 self.zi = 0 zi1 = self.zi los = self.currentSightLine zi2 = np.searchsorted(los['z'],min(z,self.zmax)) if self.verbose > 1: print("extending sightline {} to z={:.4f}".format(sightLine,z)) if zi2 < zi1: raise ValueError("must generate sightline in increasing redshift") self.zi = zi2 tau = calc_tau_lambda(self.forestWave,los[zi1:zi2],tauIn=self.tau, **self.voigtkwargs) T = exp(-tau).reshape(-1,self.nRebin).mean(axis=1) self.T = T.astype(np.float32) if not self.subsample: self.allT.append(self.T) return self.T
[docs] def current_spec(self,sightLine,z,**kwargs): if self.subsample: return self.T else: return self.allT[sightLine]
[docs] def all_spec(self,losMap,z_em,**kwargs): if len(losMap) != len(z_em): raise ValueError if self.nosortz: zi = np.arange(len(z_em)) else: zi = z_em.argsort() T = np.vstack( [ self.next_spec(losMap[i],z_em[i],**kwargs) for i in zi ] ) return Table(dict(T=T[zi.argsort()].astype(np.float32), z=z_em.astype(np.float32), sightLine=losMap.astype(np.int32)))
[docs] def write(self,fileName,outputDir,tspec=None, losMap=None,z_em=None,**kwargs): '''Save transmissionspectra to a FITS file.''' if tspec is None: if losMap is None or z_em is None: raise ValueError("Must pass losMap and z") tspec = self.all_spec(losMap,z_em,**kwargs) logwave = np.log(self.specWave[:2]) dloglam = np.diff(logwave) tspec.meta['CD1_1'] = float(dloglam) tspec.meta['CRPIX1'] = 1 tspec.meta['CRVAL1'] = logwave[0] tspec.meta['CRTYPE1'] = 'LOGWAVE' tspec.meta['IGMNLOS'] = self.numSightLines tspec.meta['IGMMODL'] = str(self.forestModel) tspec.meta['IGMRES'] = self.forestR for k,v in kwargs.get('meta',{}).items(): tspec.meta[k] = v if not fileName.endswith('.fits') or fileName.endswith('.fits.gz'): fileName += '.fits' tspec.write(os.path.join(outputDir,fileName),overwrite=True)
# for now just duck-typing this
[docs]class CachedIGMTransmissionGrid(object): def __init__(self,fileName,outputDir='.'): if not (fileName.endswith('.fits') or fileName.endswith('.fits.gz')): fileName += '.fits' fn = os.path.join(outputDir,fileName) self.tspec = tspec = hdr = fits.getheader(fn,1) nwave = tspec['T'].shape[1] wi = np.arange(nwave) logwave = hdr['CRVAL1'] + hdr['CD1_1']*(wi-(hdr['CRPIX1']-1)) self.specWave = exp(logwave) self.numSightLines = hdr['IGMNLOS'] self.losIndex = { tuple(losNum_z):i for i,losNum_z in enumerate(tspec['sightLine','z']) } self.losMap = self.tspec['sightLine']
[docs] def next_spec(self,sightLine,z,**kwargs): return self.current_spec(sightLine,z,**kwargs)
[docs] def current_spec(self,sightLine,z,**kwargs): # z is saved as float32 and need to match type i = self.losIndex[(sightLine,np.float32(z))] return self.tspec['T'][i]
[docs]def generate_binned_forest(fileName,forestModel,nlos,zbins,waverange,R, outputDir='.',**kwargs): wave = fixed_R_dispersion(*tuple(waverange+(R,))) z = np.tile(zbins[:,np.newaxis],nlos).transpose() ii = np.arange(nlos) losMap = np.tile(ii[:,np.newaxis],len(zbins)) fGrid = IGMTransmissionGrid(wave,forestModel,nlos,**kwargs) tspec = fGrid.all_spec(losMap.ravel(),z.ravel()) if fileName is None: return tspec else: fGrid.write(fileName,outputDir,tspec=tspec, meta={'ZBINS':','.join(['%.3f'%_z for _z in zbins])})
def _get_forest_mags(forestModel,zbins,waverange,R,photoMap,n,**kwargs): wave = fixed_R_dispersion(*tuple(waverange+(R,))) grid = generate_binned_forest(None,forestModel,n,zbins,waverange,R, **kwargs) nBands = len(photoMap.getBandpasses()) # fGrid = grid.group_by('sightLine') wi = np.arange(fGrid['T'].shape[-1],dtype=np.float32) fGrid['dmag'] = np.zeros((1,nBands),dtype=np.float32) fGrid['fratio'] = np.zeros((1,nBands),dtype=np.float32) # fakespec = namedtuple('fakespec','wave,f_lambda') refspec = fakespec(wave,np.ones_like(wave)) refmags,reffluxes = photoMap.calcSynPhot(refspec) # for snum,sightLine in zip(fGrid.groups.keys['sightLine'],fGrid.groups): for i,z in enumerate(zbins): spec = fakespec(wave,sightLine['T'][i]) mags,fluxes = photoMap.calcSynPhot(spec) dmag = mags - refmags dmag[fluxes<=0] = 99 sightLine['dmag'][i] = dmag sightLine['fratio'][i] = fluxes.clip(0,np.inf) / reffluxes if ( (snum+1) % 10 ) == 0: try: pid = multiprocessing.current_process().name.split('-')[1] except: pid = '--' print('[%2s] completed %d sightlines' % (pid,snum+1)) del fGrid['z','T'] return fGrid
[docs]def generate_grid_forest(fileName,forestModel,nlos,zbins,waverange,R, photoMap,outputDir='.',nproc=1,**kwargs): n = nlos // nproc if nproc == 1: _map = map else: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nproc) _map = forest_generator = partial(_get_forest_mags,forestModel,zbins, waverange,R,photoMap,**kwargs) _nlos = np.repeat(n,nproc) _nlos[-1] += nlos - np.sum(_nlos) fGrids = _map(forest_generator,_nlos) for i in range(1,len(fGrids)): fGrids[i]['sightLine'] += fGrids[i-1]['sightLine'].max() + 1 fGrid = vstack(fGrids) fGrid.meta['ZBINS'] = ','.join(['%.3f'%_z for _z in zbins]) fGrid.meta['BANDS'] = ','.join(photoMap.getBandpasses()) fGrid.write(os.path.join(outputDir,fileName),overwrite=True) if nproc > 1: pool.close()
[docs]class GridForest(object): def __init__(self,fileName,simBands,median=False): self.simBands = np.array(simBands) ='sightLine') self.numSightLines = len( zbins =['ZBINS'].split(',') self.zbins = np.array(zbins).astype(np.float32) = np.diff(self.zbins) self.bands = np.array(['BANDS'].split(',')) self.ii = np.array([ np.where(b==self.simBands)[0][0] for b in self.bands ]) shp = (self.numSightLines,len(self.zbins),-1) self.dmag = np.array(['dmag']).reshape(shp) self.frat = np.array(['fratio']).reshape(shp) if median: self.dmag = np.median(self.dmag,axis=0)[None,:,:] self.frat = np.median(self.frat,axis=0)[None,:,:] self.numSightLines = 1 self.dmdz = np.diff(self.dmag,axis=1) /[:,None] self.dfdz = np.diff(self.frat,axis=1) /[:,None]
[docs] def get(self,losNum,z): zi = np.digitize(z,self.zbins) - 1 if np.any( (zi<0) | (zi >= len(self.zbins)-1) ): print("WARNING: qso z range {:.3f}|{:.3f} ".format( z.min(),z.max()), end=' ') print("outside forest grid {:.3f}|{:.3f}".format( self.zbins[0],self.zbins[-1])) zi = zi.clip(0,len(self.zbins)-2) dz = z - self.zbins[zi] dmag = self.dmag[losNum,zi] + self.dmdz[losNum,zi]*dz[:,None] frat = self.frat[losNum,zi] + self.dfdz[losNum,zi]*dz[:,None] return self.ii,dmag,frat
# for now just duck-typing this
[docs]class MeanIGMTransmissionGrid(object): def __init__(self,fileName,wave,outputDir='.'): if not fileName.endswith('.fits') or fileName.endswith('.fits.gz'): fileName += '.fits' self.outWave = wave fn = os.path.join(outputDir,fileName) tspec = hdr = fits.getheader(fn,1) nwave = tspec['T'].shape[1] wi = np.arange(nwave) logwave = hdr['CRVAL1'] + hdr['CD1_1']*(wi-(hdr['CRPIX1']-1)) self.specWave = exp(logwave) self.wi = np.searchsorted(self.outWave,self.specWave[-1]) nlos = hdr['IGMNLOS'] self.numSightLines = 1 self.zBins = np.array(list(map(float,hdr['ZBINS'].split(',')))) self.meanT = tspec['T'].reshape(nlos,-1,nwave).mean(axis=0)
[docs] def next_spec(self,sightLine,z,**kwargs): return self.spec(z)
[docs] def current_spec(self,sightLine,z,**kwargs): return self.spec(z)
[docs] def spec(self,z): zi = np.searchsorted(self.zBins,z) T = self.meanT[zi].clip(0,1) # XXX clip is there for bad vals T = resample(self.specWave,T,self.outWave[:self.wi]) return T