Source code for simqso.sqgrids

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import ast
from copy import copy
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate import simps
from scipy.signal import convolve
from scipy.stats import norm,lognorm,expon
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table,hstack
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import cosmology
from astropy.constants import sigma_sb,b_wien
    from astropy.modeling.blackbody import blackbody_lambda
except ImportError:
    #from astropy.analytic_functions import blackbody_lambda
    def blackbody_lambda(in_x, temperature):
        import astropy.constants as const
        import astropy.units as u
        from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
        # Units
        FNU = u.erg / (**2 * u.s * u.Hz)
        FLAM = u.erg / (**2 * u.s * u.AA)
        def blackbody_nu(in_x, temperature):
            # Convert to units for calculations, also force double precision
            with u.add_enabled_equivalencies(u.spectral() + u.temperature()):
                freq = u.Quantity(in_x, u.Hz, dtype=np.float64)
                temp = u.Quantity(temperature, u.K, dtype=np.float64)
            # Check if input values are physically possible
            if temp < 0:
                raise ValueError('Invalid temperature {0}'.format(temp))
            if np.any(freq <= 0):  # pragma: no cover
                warnings.warn('Input contains invalid wavelength/frequency value(s)',
            # Calculate blackbody flux
            bb_nu = (2.0 * const.h * freq ** 3 /
                     (const.c ** 2 * np.expm1(const.h * freq / (const.k_B * temp))))
            flux =, u.spectral_density(freq))
            return flux /  # Add per steradian to output flux unit
        bb_nu = blackbody_nu(in_x, temperature) *  # Remove sr for conversion
        flux =, u.spectral_density(in_x))
        return flux /  # Add per steradian to output flux unit

from .sqbase import datadir,Spectrum
from . import dustextinction
from . import sqphoto

# Samplers

[docs]class Sampler(object): ''' Base class for sampling one-dimensional values within a given bound. Subclasses must define the sample() function. Parameters ---------- low,high : float Lower and upper bounds for the sampler. ''' def __init__(self,low,high): self.low = low self.high = high
[docs] def sample(self,n,**kwargs): ''' Return a set of n values obtained from the sampler. ''' raise NotImplementedError
def resample(self,*args,**kwargs): pass def __call__(self,n,**kwargs): return self.sample(n,**kwargs) def __str__(self): s = str((self.low,self.high)) return s @staticmethod def _get_arrays(arr_list,ii): if ii is None: return arr_list else: return [ a[ii] for a in arr_list ]
[docs]class FixedSampler(Sampler): ''' Use a fixed set of values as the sample. >>> from simqso.sqgrids import FixedSampler >>> s = FixedSampler([1.,2.,3.]) >>> s(3) [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] ''' def __init__(self,vals): self.low = None self.high = None self.vals = vals
[docs] def sample(self,n,**kwargs): if n is not None and n != len(self.vals): raise ValueError return self.vals
def __str__(self): return 'FixedSampler'
[docs]class NullSampler(Sampler): ''' Special container for variables which are not sampled. ''' def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def sample(self,n,**kwargs): return None
def __str__(self): return 'NullSampler'
[docs]class IndexSampler(Sampler): ''' Special container for variables which need an index into the grid. ''' def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def sample(self,n,**kwargs): return None
def __str__(self): return 'IndexSampler'
[docs]class RandomSubSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self,n): super(RandomSubSampler,self).__init__(0,n)
[docs] def sample(self,n,**kwargs): return np.random.randint(self.low,self.high,n)
[docs]class ConstSampler(Sampler): ''' Returns a constant for all samples. >>> from simqso.sqgrids import ConstSampler >>> s = ConstSampler(17) >>> s(3) array([17, 17, 17]) ''' def __init__(self,*val): self.low = None self.high = None self.val = val
[docs] def sample(self,n,**kwargs): return np.repeat(self.val,n)
[docs]class UniformSampler(Sampler): ''' Returns values uniformly sampled between ``low`` and ``high``, inclusive. >>> from simqso.sqgrids import UniformSampler >>> s = UniformSampler(0,1) >>> s(3) array([ 0. , 0.5, 1. ]) '''
[docs] def sample(self,n,**kwargs): return np.linspace(self.low,self.high,n)
def __str__(self): return 'UniformSampler(%s,%s)' % (self.low,self.high)
[docs]class CdfSampler(Sampler): ''' Returns values sampled from a cumulative distribution function, within the bounds passed during instantiation. Subclasses must implement the cdf(x) and ppf(x) functions. Parameters ---------- low,high : float Lower and upper bounds for the sampler. ''' def _init_cdf(self): self.cdf_low = self.cdf(self.low) self.cdf_high = self.cdf(self.high) def _getpoints(self,x,ii=None): cdf_low,cdf_high = self._get_arrays((self.cdf_low,self.cdf_high),ii) return cdf_low + (cdf_high-cdf_low)*x def _sample(self,x,ii=None): return self.ppf(x,ii)
[docs] def sample(self,n,**kwargs): x = np.random.random(n) return self._sample(self._getpoints(x))
[docs]class PowerLawSampler(CdfSampler): ''' Returns values sampled from a power law distribution with index a. Unlike scipy.stats.powerlaw, allows a<0, but then requires low>0 in that case. Examples -------- >>> from simqso.sqgrids import PowerLawSampler >>> s = PowerLawSampler(1,2,-2) >>> s(3) array([ 1.4537, 1.1208, 1.1691]) ''' def __init__(self,low,high,a): if a<0 and low<=0: raise ValueError # defining cdf and ppf function within this class super(PowerLawSampler,self).__init__(low,high) self.a = a self._init_cdf() def cdf(self,x): x1,x2,a = self.low,self.high,self.a if np.any(x<x1) or np.any(x>x2): raise ValueError return (x**(a+1) - x1**(a+1)) / (x2**(a+1) - x1**(a+1)) def ppf(self,y): if np.any(y<0) or np.any(y>1): raise ValueError x1,x2,a = self.low,self.high,self.a return np.power( (x2**(a+1)-x1**(a+1))*y + x1**(a+1), (a+1)**-1 )
[docs]class GaussianSampler(CdfSampler): ''' Returns values sampled from a Gaussian distibution N(mean,sigma). Examples -------- >>> from simqso.sqgrids import GaussianSampler >>> s = GaussianSampler(50.,10.) >>> s(3) array([ 50.07 , 42.0223, 58.9512]) ''' def __init__(self,mean,sigma,low=-np.inf,high=np.inf): super(GaussianSampler,self).__init__(low,high) self.mean = mean self.sigma = sigma self._init_cdf() def ppf(self,x,ii=None): mean,sigma = self._get_arrays((self.mean,self.sigma),ii) return norm.ppf(x,loc=mean,scale=sigma) def cdf(self,x,ii=None): mean,sigma = self._get_arrays((self.mean,self.sigma),ii) return norm.cdf(x,loc=mean,scale=sigma) def update(self,mean,sigma,ii=None): if ii is None: ii = np.s_[:] self.mean[ii] = mean self.sigma[ii] = sigma def __str__(self): return 'GaussianSampler(%s,%s,%s,%s)' % \ (self.mean,self.sigma,self.low,self.high)
#class LogNormalSampler(CdfSampler): # ''' # Returns values sampled from a lognormal distibution lognorm(mean,sigma). # # Examples # -------- # ''' # def __init__(self,mean,sigma,low,high): # if low <= 0: # raise ValueError # super(LogNormalSampler,self).__init__(low,high) # self.mean = mean # self.sigma = sigma # self.rv = lognorm(loc=self.mean,scale=self.sigma) # self._init_cdf()
[docs]class ExponentialSampler(CdfSampler): ''' Returns values sampled from an exponential distibution with a given scale parameter. Examples -------- >>> from simqso.sqgrids import ExponentialSampler >>> s = ExponentialSampler(0.1) >>> s(3) array([ 0.08072409, 0.45771082, 0.03769428]) ''' def __init__(self,scale,low=0,high=np.inf): super(ExponentialSampler,self).__init__(low,high) self.scale = scale self._init_cdf() def ppf(self,x,ii=None): scale = self._get_arrays((self.scale,),ii)[0] return expon.ppf(x,scale=scale) def cdf(self,x,ii=None): scale = self._get_arrays((self.scale,),ii)[0] return expon.cdf(x,scale=scale)
#class DoublePowerLawSampler(Sampler): # def __init__(self,a,b,x0,low=-np.inf,high=np.inf): # super(DoublePowerLawSampler,self).__init__(low,high) # self.a = a # self.b = b # self.x0 = x0 # def sample(self,n): # raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class LinearTrendWithAsymScatterSampler(Sampler): ''' Returns values sampled from a set of linear trends that define the Gaussian mean and sigma at each point x. Must be calibrated with a set of input points that define where to sample the linear trends. ''' def __init__(self,coeffs,pts,low=-np.inf,high=np.inf): super(LinearTrendWithAsymScatterSampler,self).__init__(low,high) self.coeffs = coeffs self.npts = len(pts) self.loSampler = None self.hiSampler = None self._reset(pts) def _reset(self,pts,ii=None): xmn,xlo,xhi = [ np.polyval(c,pts) for c in self.coeffs ] siglo = np.clip(xmn-xlo,1e-10,np.inf) sighi = np.clip(xhi-xmn,1e-10,np.inf) if self.loSampler is None: self.loSampler = GaussianSampler(xmn,siglo, low=self.low,high=self.high) else: self.loSampler.update(xmn,siglo,ii) if self.hiSampler is None: self.hiSampler = GaussianSampler(xmn,sighi, low=self.low,high=self.high) else: self.hiSampler.update(xmn,sighi,ii) def _sample(self,x,ii=None): xlo = self.loSampler._sample(self.loSampler._getpoints(x,ii),ii) xhi = self.hiSampler._sample(self.hiSampler._getpoints(x,ii),ii) return np.clip(np.choose(x>0.5,[xlo,xhi]),0,np.inf)
[docs]class BaldwinEffectSampler(LinearTrendWithAsymScatterSampler): ''' Uses LinearTrendWithAsymScatterSampler to implement the Baldwin Effect, by sampling from mean, upper, and lower log-linear trends as a function of absolute magnitude. ''' def __init__(self,coeffs,absMag,x=None,low=-np.inf,high=np.inf): super(BaldwinEffectSampler,self).__init__(coeffs,absMag, low=low,high=high) self.x = x
[docs] def sample(self,n=None,ii=None): if n is None: n = len(self.x) elif n != self.npts: raise ValueError("BaldwinEffectSampler input does not match " "preset (%d != %d)" % (n,self.npts)) if self.x is None: # save the x values for reuse self.x = np.random.random(n) x = self.x if ii is None else self.x[ii] return self._sample(x,ii)
def resample(self,absMag,ii=None,**kwargs): self._reset(absMag,ii=ii)
############################################################################## # Simulation variables ##############################################################################
[docs]class QsoSimVar(object): ''' Base class for variables used to define points within simulation grid. Each variable must have a name and a Sampler instance for generating values of the variable. Parameters ---------- sampler : :class:`simqso.sqgrids.Sampler` instance name : str Unique name for variable. seed : int Seed to apply to RNG before sampling the variable. If None there is no call to random.seed(). ''' def __init__(self,sampler,name=None,seed=None,meta=None): self.sampler = sampler if name is not None: = name self.meta = {} self.dependentVars = None self.assocVar = None self.dtype = np.float32 self.seed = seed self.varmeta = meta def __call__(self,n,**kwargs): if self.seed: np.random.seed(self.seed) vals = self.sampler(n,**kwargs) if vals is not None: vals = np.array(vals).astype(self.dtype) return vals
[docs] def resample(self,*args,**kwargs): ''' Update the samplers of any dependent variables and then resample. ''' self.sampler.resample(*args,**kwargs)
def _sampler_to_string(self): return str(self.sampler) def set_associated_var(self,assocVar): self.assocVar = assocVar def get_associated_var(self): return self.assocVar
[docs] def set_seed(self,seed,overwrite=False): ''' Update the random seed used when sampling the variable. If overwrite is False an exisiting seed will be preserved. ''' if overwrite or self.seed is None: self.seed = seed
[docs] def updateMeta(self,meta,axPfx): ''' Update the meta-data dictionary associated with the variable. ''' for k,v in self.meta.items(): meta[k] = v meta[axPfx+'TYPE'] = self.__class__.__name__ meta[axPfx+'NAME'] = str( meta[axPfx+'SMPL'] = self._sampler_to_string() if self.seed is not None: meta[axPfx+'SEED'] = str(self.seed) if self.varmeta is not None: meta[axPfx+'META'] = str(self.varmeta)
[docs]class MultiDimVar(QsoSimVar): ''' Special case of QsoSimVar that handles multi-dimensional variables. The last dimension must be a sequence of Sampler instances, which can be nested in as many outer dimensions as necessary. ''' def _recurse_call(self,samplers,n,**kwargs): if isinstance(samplers,Sampler): return samplers(n,**kwargs) else: return [ self._recurse_call(sampler,n,**kwargs) for sampler in samplers ] def _recurse_resample(self,samplers,*args,**kwargs): if isinstance(samplers,Sampler): samplers.resample(*args,**kwargs) else: for sampler in samplers: self._recurse_resample(sampler,*args,**kwargs) def __call__(self,n,**kwargs): arr = self._recurse_call(self.sampler,n,**kwargs) return np.rollaxis(np.array(arr),-1).astype(self.dtype)
[docs] def resample(self,*args,**kwargs): self._recurse_resample(self.sampler,*args,**kwargs)
def _sampler_to_string(self): return 'MultiDimVar(%d)' % len(self.sampler)
[docs]class SpectralFeatureVar(object): ''' Mix-in class to define variables that act on spectra. Subclasses must define the render() function. ''' def render(self,wave,z,par,assocvals=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_to_spec(self,spec,par,**kwargs): ''' Applies the variable to an input spectrum. Parameters ---------- spec : :class:`simqso.sqbase.Spectrum` instance par : sampled values of the variable that are passed to render() ''' spec.f_lambda[:] += self.render(spec.wave,spec.z,par,**kwargs) return spec
[docs]class AppMagVar(QsoSimVar): ''' An apparent magnitude variable, defined in an observed bandpass ``band``. ''' name = 'appMag' def __init__(self,sampler,obsBand,**kwargs): super(AppMagVar,self).__init__(sampler,**kwargs) self.obsBand = obsBand
[docs] def updateMeta(self,meta,axPfx): super(AppMagVar,self).updateMeta(meta,axPfx) meta[axPfx+'VARG'] = '"%s"' % self.obsBand
[docs]class AbsMagVar(QsoSimVar): ''' An absolute magnitude variable, defined at rest-frame wavelength ``restWave`` in Angstroms. ''' name = 'absMag' def __init__(self,sampler,restWave=None,**kwargs): '''if restWave is none then bolometric''' super(AbsMagVar,self).__init__(sampler,**kwargs) self.restWave = restWave
[docs] def updateMeta(self,meta,axPfx): super(AbsMagVar,self).updateMeta(meta,axPfx) meta[axPfx+'VARG'] = 'restWave=%s' % self.restWave
[docs]class RedshiftVar(QsoSimVar): ''' A redshift variable. ''' name = 'z'
[docs]class ContinuumVar(QsoSimVar,SpectralFeatureVar): ''' Base class for variables that define the quasar spectral continuum. ''' pass
def _Mtoflam(lam0,M,z,DM): nu0 = (lam0 * u.Angstrom).to(u.Hz,equivalencies=u.spectral()).value fnu0 = 10**(-0.4*(M+DM(z)+48.599934)) flam0 = nu0*fnu0/lam0 return flam0/(1+z)
[docs]class BrokenPowerLawContinuumVar(ContinuumVar,MultiDimVar): ''' Representation of a quasar continuum as a series of broken power laws. Parameters ---------- samplers : sequence of :class:`simqso.sqgrids.Sampler` instances Each sampler instance defines the power law spectral index at a given section of the continuum, as alpha_nu where f_nu = nu^alpha_nu. breakPts : sequence of floats Break wavelengths in Angstroms. Examples -------- >>> from simqso.sqgrids import BrokenPowerLawContinuumVar,GaussianSampler >>> v = BrokenPowerLawContinuumVar([GaussianSampler(-1.5,0.3), GaussianSampler(-0.5,0.3)], [1215.7]) >>> v(3) array([[-1.801, -1.217], [-1.56 , -0.594], [-1.605, -0.248]]) ''' name = 'slopes' def __init__(self,samplers,breakPts,**kwargs): super(BrokenPowerLawContinuumVar,self).__init__(samplers,**kwargs) self.breakPts = np.asarray(breakPts).astype(np.float32) def _normalize(self,wave,z,slopes,fluxNorm=None, minwave=12.4,getspec=True): z1 = 1 + z alpha_lams = -(2+np.asarray(slopes)) # a_nu --> a_lam alpha_lams = alpha_lams.squeeze() # comes in as [1,N] from grid breakpts = self.breakPts if breakpts[0] > minwave: breakpts = np.concatenate([[minwave],breakpts]) * z1 f0 = np.ones_like(breakpts) for i,breakwv in enumerate(breakpts[1:],start=1): wv1 = breakpts[i-1] f0[i] = f0[i-1]*(breakwv/wv1)**alpha_lams[i-1] if fluxNorm is not None: normwv = fluxNorm['wavelength'] fnorm = _Mtoflam(normwv,fluxNorm['M_AB'],z,fluxNorm['DM']) i = np.searchsorted(self.breakPts,normwv) fatnorm = f0[i]*(normwv/self.breakPts[i-1])**alpha_lams[i] f0 *= fnorm/fatnorm if getspec: ii = np.digitize(wave,self.breakPts*z1) spec = f0[ii]*(wave/breakpts[ii])**alpha_lams[ii] return spec else: return f0,alpha_lams,breakpts
[docs] def render(self,wave,z,slopes,fluxNorm=None,assocvals=None): ''' Renders the broken power law continuum at redshift ``z`` given the set of sampled ``slopes``. Aribrarily normalized unless the ``fluxNorm`` parameter is supplied. Parameters ---------- fluxNorm : dict wavelength : float rest-frame wavelength in Angstroms at which to normalize spectrum. M_AB : float absolute AB magnitude at ``wavelength`` DM : function to return distance modulus, as in ``DM(z)`` ''' return self._normalize(wave,z,slopes,fluxNorm)
def total_flux(self,slopes,fluxNorm,z,minwave=12.4,maxwave=1.3e4): f0,alpha_lams,breakwvs = self._normalize(None,z,slopes,fluxNorm, minwave=minwave, getspec=False) breakwvs /= (1+z) i = np.searchsorted(breakwvs,maxwave) - 1 breakwvs = breakwvs[:i] breakwvs = np.concatenate([breakwvs,[maxwave]]) f0,alpha_lams = f0[:i],alpha_lams[:i] waveratio = breakwvs[1:]/breakwvs[:-1] # integrate the power law spectra across the break ftot = np.sum( breakwvs[:-1]*f0*(np.power(waveratio,alpha_lams+1)-1) / (alpha_lams+1)) return ftot
[docs] def updateMeta(self,meta,axPfx): super(BrokenPowerLawContinuumVar,self).updateMeta(meta,axPfx) meta[axPfx+'VARG'] = str(list(self.breakPts))
[docs]class EmissionFeatureVar(QsoSimVar,SpectralFeatureVar): ''' Base class for variables that define quasar spectral emission features. ''' pass
def render_gaussians(wave,z,lines): emspec = np.zeros_like(wave) lines = lines[lines[:,1]>0] lineWave,eqWidth,sigma = lines.T * (1+z) A = eqWidth/(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*sigma) twosig2 = 2*sigma**2 nsig = (np.sqrt(-2*np.log(1e-3/A))*np.array([[-1.],[1]])).T ii = np.where(np.logical_and(lineWave>wave[0],lineWave<wave[-1]))[0] for i in ii: i1,i2 = np.searchsorted(wave,lineWave[i]+nsig[i]*sigma[i]) emspec[i1:i2] += A[i]*np.exp(-(wave[i1:i2]-lineWave[i])**2 / twosig2[i]) return emspec
[docs]class GaussianEmissionLineVar(EmissionFeatureVar,MultiDimVar): ''' A single Gaussian emission line. Must be instantiated with three samplers for the profile, namely (wavelength, equivalent width, sigma). All parameters are given in the rest-frame and in Angstroms. Examples -------- >>> from simqso.sqgrids import GaussianEmissionLineVar >>> v = GaussianEmissionLineVar([GaussianSampler(1215.7,0.1),GaussianSampler(100.,10.),GaussianSampler(10.,1.)]) >>> v(3) array([[ 1215.645, 113.125, 9.099], [ 1215.987, 109.654, 9.312], [ 1215.74 , 101.765, 10.822]]) ''' def render(self,wave,z,par,assocvals=None): return render_gaussians(wave,z,np.array([par]))
[docs]class GaussianLineEqWidthVar(EmissionFeatureVar): ''' this is an arguably kludgy way of making it possible to include line EW as a variable in grids, by reducing the line to a single parameter Parameters ---------- sampler : :class:`simqso.sqgrids.Sampler` instance Sampler for generating equivalent width values. name : str Name of emission line. wave0,width0 : float Fixed Gaussian parameters for the rest-frame wavelength and sigma in Angstroms. Only the equivalent width is sampled. ''' def __init__(self,sampler,name,wave0,width0,log=False,**kwargs): super(GaussianLineEqWidthVar,self).__init__(sampler,name,**kwargs) self.wave0 = wave0 self.width0 = width0 self.log = log def render(self,wave,z,ew0,assocvals=None): if self.log: ew0 = np.power(10,ew0) return render_gaussians(wave,z, np.array([[self.wave0,ew0,self.width0]]))
[docs]class GaussianEmissionLinesTemplateVar(EmissionFeatureVar,MultiDimVar): ''' A multidimensional variable representing a template of Gaussian-profile emission lines. ''' name = 'emLines' def render(self,wave,z,lines,assocvals=None): return render_gaussians(wave,z,lines)
[docs]class BossDr9EmissionLineTemplateVar(GaussianEmissionLinesTemplateVar): ''' Subclass of GaussianEmissionLinesTemplateVar that obtains log-linear trends for the emission lines from the BOSS DR9 model (Ross et al. 2013). TODO: this should really start with the file ''' def __init__(self,samplers,lineNames=None,**kwargs): super(BossDr9EmissionLineTemplateVar,self).__init__(samplers,**kwargs) if lineNames is not None: self.lineNames = lineNames self.meta['LINEMODL'] = 'BOSS DR9 Log-linear trends with luminosity' self.meta['LINENAME'] = ','.join(lineNames) self.dependentVars = 'absMag' def __call__(self,n=None,ii=None): lpar = super(BossDr9EmissionLineTemplateVar,self).__call__(n,ii=ii) lpar[...,1:] = np.power(10,lpar[...,1:]) return lpar
[docs]class FeTemplateVar(EmissionFeatureVar): ''' Variable used to store an iron emission template, and then render it at an input redshift. Since the template is fixed it uses a :class:`simqso.sqgrids.NullSampler` instance internally. ''' name = 'fetempl' def __init__(self,feGrid=None,**kwargs): super(FeTemplateVar,self).__init__(NullSampler(),**kwargs) if feGrid is not None: self.set_template_grid(feGrid) def set_template_grid(self,feGrid): self.feGrid = feGrid self.varmeta = dict(fwhm=self.feGrid.fwhm,scales=self.feGrid.scales, useopt=self.feGrid.useopt) def render(self,wave,z,par,assocvals=None): return self.feGrid.get(z)
[docs]class DustBlackbodyVar(ContinuumVar,MultiDimVar): ''' Variable used to represent a warm dust component as a single blackbody, treated as a continuum. ''' def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): self.approxMode = kwargs.pop('approx_mode','table') super(DustBlackbodyVar,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) self._init_bb() def _init_bb(self): self.rfwave = {} self.Blam = {} def _calc_bb(self,Tdust,wave,z): lampeak = (b_wien/(Tdust*u.K)).to('Angstrom').value lam1,lam2 = np.array([0.25,15])*lampeak if Tdust not in self.Blam: npts = 100 # this hack keeps the points more closely spaced near lampeak dwv1 = np.logspace(np.log10(lam1),np.log10(lampeak),npts) dwv1 = np.cumsum(np.diff(dwv1)) rfwv2 = np.logspace(np.log10(lampeak),np.log10(lam2),npts) rfwave = np.concatenate([ (lampeak-dwv1)[::-1], rfwv2 ]) self.rfwave[Tdust] = rfwave bvals = blackbody_lambda(self.rfwave[Tdust],Tdust).value self.Blam[Tdust] = interp1d(self.rfwave[Tdust],bvals, kind='cubic') Blam = self.Blam[Tdust] i1,i2 = np.searchsorted(wave/(1+z),[lam1,lam2]) flam = np.zeros_like(wave) flam[i1:i2] = Blam(wave[i1:i2]/(1+z)) return flam def render(self,wave,z,par,fluxNorm=None,assocvals=None): assert isinstance(self.assocVar,ContinuumVar) assert assocvals is not None fracdust,Tdust = par L_bb = (sigma_sb.cgs * Tdust**4).value fdisk = self.assocVar.total_flux(assocvals,fluxNorm,z) flux_bb = fracdust * fdisk Blam = self._calc_bb(Tdust,wave,z) return flux_bb * np.pi * Blam / L_bb
[docs]class SightlineVar(QsoSimVar): ''' Variable used to associate quasars with lines-of-sight. Since the spectra are precomputed a :class:`simqso.sqgrids.IndexSampler` instance is used internally to map the sightlines to individual spectra. ''' name = 'igmlos' def __init__(self,forest,losMap=None,**kwargs): self.subsample = kwargs.pop('subsample',True) if isinstance(forest,Sampler): s = forest forest = None else: N = forest.numSightLines if losMap is None: if self.subsample: s = RandomSubSampler(N) else: s = FixedSampler(np.arange(N,dtype=np.int32)) else: s = FixedSampler(losMap) super(SightlineVar,self).__init__(s,**kwargs) if forest is not None: self.set_forest_grid(forest) self.dtype = np.int32 def set_forest_grid(self,forest): self.forest = forest self.varmeta = (self.forest.forestModel,self.forest.numSightLines, dict(zmax=self.forest.zmax,seed=self.forest.seed, subsample=self.forest.subsample))
[docs]class HIAbsorptionVar(SightlineVar,SpectralFeatureVar): ''' Variable used to store IGM HI absorption spectra. Since the spectra are precomputed a :class:`simqso.sqgrids.IndexSampler` instance is used internally to map the forest sightlines to individual spectra. '''
[docs] def add_to_spec(self,spec,sightLine,advance=True,**kwargs): if advance: T = self.forest.next_spec(sightLine,spec.z) else: # this is needed when iterating the spectrum -- don't want to # advance to the next redshift, just keep reusing current forest T = self.forest.current_spec(sightLine,spec.z) spec.f_lambda[:len(T)] *= T return spec
[docs]class DustExtinctionVar(QsoSimVar,SpectralFeatureVar): ''' Base class for dust extinction features. Dust curves are provided in the rest frame and convolved with input spectra. ''' @staticmethod def dustCurve(name): return dustextinction.dust_fn[name]
[docs] def add_to_spec(self,spec,ebv,**kwargs): spec.convolve_restframe(self.dustCurve(self.dustCurveName),ebv) return spec
[docs]class SMCDustVar(DustExtinctionVar): ''' SMC dust extinction curve from XXX. ''' name = 'smcDustEBV' dustCurveName = 'SMC' meta = {'DUSTMODL':'SMC'}
[docs]class CalzettiDustVar(DustExtinctionVar): ''' Calzetti XXX dust extinction curve for starburst galaxies. ''' name = 'calzettiDustEBV' dustCurveName = 'CalzettiSB' meta = {'DUSTMODL':'Calzetti Starburst'}
[docs]class BlackHoleMassVar(QsoSimVar): ''' A black hole mass variable, in units of log(Msun). ''' name = 'logBhMass'
[docs]class EddingtonRatioVar(QsoSimVar): ''' A dimensionless Eddington ratio variable, as lambda_edd = L/L_edd. ''' name = 'logEddRatio'
[docs]class AbsMagFromAppMagVar(AbsMagVar): ''' A variable that provides a conversion from apparent magnitude to absolute magnitude. Internally uses a :class:`simqso.sqgrids.FixedSampler` instance after converting to absMag. Parameters ---------- appMag : ndarray Apparent magnitudes (usually from an AppMagVar). m2M : function Conversion from apparent to absolute mag, as m2M(z) = K(z) + DM(z) restWave : float Rest wavelength in Angstroms for the absolute magnitudes. ''' def __init__(self,appMag,z,kcorr,cosmo,restWave=None,**kwargs): absMag = appMag - self.cosmo.distmod(z).value - kcorr(appMag,z) sampler = FixedSampler(absMag) super(AbsMagFromAppMagVar,self).__init__(sampler,restWave,**kwargs)
[docs]class AbsMagFromBHMassEddRatioVar(AbsMagVar): ''' A variable that provides a conversion from black hole mass and Eddington ratio to absolute magnitude. Internally uses a :class:`simqso.sqgrids.FixedSampler` instance after converting to absMag. TODO: uses a fixed BC estimate, should be an input. Parameters ---------- logBhMass : ndarray Log of black hole mass in Msun. (e.g., from an BlackHoleMassVar). logEddRatio : ndarray Log of dimensionless Eddington ratio (e.g., from an EddingtonRatioVar). restWave : float Rest wavelength in Angstroms for the absolute magnitudes. ''' def __init__(self,logBhMass,logEddRatio,restWave=None,**kwargs): eddLum = 1.26e38 * 10**logBhMass lum = 10**logEddRatio * eddLum BC1450 = 5.0 # rough value from Richards+06 lnu1450 = lum / BC1450 M1450 = magnitude_AB_from_L_nu(lnu1450/2e15) sampler = FixedSampler(M1450) super(AbsMagFromBHMassEddRatioVar,self).__init__(sampler,restWave, **kwargs)
[docs]class TimeVar(QsoSimVar): ''' Variable to associate instantaneous quasar spectrum with a epoch. ''' name = 't'
[docs]class DrwTimeSeriesVar(MultiDimVar): r''' Variable that associates damped random walk (DRW) parameters :math:`\tau` and :math:`\sigma` with a quasar. ''' name = 'drwTauSigma'
[docs]class SynMagVar(QsoSimVar): ''' Container for synthetic magnitudes. ''' name = 'synMag'
[docs]class SynFluxVar(QsoSimVar): ''' Container for synthetic fluxes. ''' name = 'synFlux'
############################################################################## # Simulation grids ##############################################################################
[docs]class QsoSimObjects(object): ''' A collection of simulated quasar objects. Objects are defined by a set of variables (`QsoSimVar`). The values for the variables are maintained internally as an `astropy.table.Table`, which can be saved and restored. Parameters ---------- qsoVars : list of `QsoSimVar` instances Set of variables used to initialize the simulation grid. cosmo : `astropy.cosmology.FLRW` instance Cosmology used for the simulation. units : str One of "flux" or "luminosity", XXX should be handled internally... seed : int Seed for RNG. Note the seed is only applied at initialization, individual variables can be seeded with QsoSimVar.__init___(). ''' def __init__(self,qsoVars=[],cosmo=None,units=None,seed=None): self.cosmo = cosmo self.units = units self.seed = seed self.qsoVars = qsoVars if len(qsoVars) > 0: self.varNames = [ for v in qsoVars ] else: self.varNames = [] self.photoMap = None if self.seed: np.random.seed(self.seed) def setCosmology(self,cosmodef): if type(cosmodef) is dict: self.cosmo = cosmology.FlatLambdaCDM(**cosmodef) elif isinstance(cosmodef,str): self.cosmo = cosmology.FlatLambdaCDM(**eval(cosmodef)) elif isinstance(cosmodef,cosmology.FLRW): self.cosmo = cosmodef elif cosmodef is None: self.cosmo = cosmology.get_current() else: raise ValueError def __iter__(self): for obj in yield obj def group_by(self,varName,with_index=False): if with_index:['_ii'] = np.arange(self.nObj) data_grouped = if with_index: # only keep this in the grouped table del['_ii'] return data_grouped.groups def __getattr__(self,name): try: return[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError("no attribute "+name)
[docs] def addVar(self,var,noVals=False): ''' Add a variable to the simulation. ''' self.qsoVars.append(var) self.varNames.append( if not noVals: vals = var(self.nObj) if vals is not None:[] = vals
[docs] def addVars(self,newVars,noVals=False): ''' Add a list of variables to the simulation. ''' for var in newVars: self.addVar(var,noVals=noVals)
def addData(self,data): = hstack([,data])
[docs] def getVars(self,varType=QsoSimVar): ''' Return all variables that are instances of varType. If varType is a string, return the variable with name varType. ''' if isinstance(varType,str): return self.qsoVars[self.varNames.index(varType)] else: return [v for v in self.qsoVars if isinstance(v,varType)]
def varIndex(self,varName): return self.varNames.index(varName) def resample(self): for var in self.qsoVars: if var.dependentVars is not None: var.resample([var.dependentVars])[] = var(self.nObj) def distMod(self,z): return self.cosmo.distmod(z).value def loadPhotoMap(self,photoSys): self.photoMap = sqphoto.load_photo_map(photoSys) self.photoBands = list(self.photoMap['bandpasses'].keys()) def getPhotoCache(self,wave): if self.photoMap: return sqphoto.getPhotoCache(wave,self.photoMap) else: return None def getBandIndex(self,band): return next(j for j in range(len(self.photoBands)) if self.photoMap['filtName'][self.photoBands[j]]==band) def getObsBandIndex(self): return self.getBandIndex(self.getVars(AppMagVar)[0].obsBand)
[docs] def read(self,gridFile,clean=False,extname=None): ''' Read a simulation grid from a file. ''' =,hdu=extname) if clean: # XXX it's hacky to be aware of these colnames here, but need to # know how to delete derived quantities that will be recomputed for k in ['obsFlux','obsMag','obsFluxErr','obsMagErr', 'synMag','synFlux']: try: del[k] except KeyError: pass self.nObj = len( hdr = fits.getheader(gridFile,extname=extname) self.units = hdr['GRIDUNIT'] self.gridShape = eval(hdr['GRIDDIM']) self.setCosmology(hdr['COSMO']) try: self.simPars = ast.literal_eval(hdr['SQPARAMS']) except: #print('WARNING: no params in header') pass for i,v in enumerate(range(hdr['NSIMVAR'])): cls = hdr['AX%dTYPE'%i] name = hdr['AX%dNAME'%i] smplr = hdr['AX%dSMPL'%i] seed = hdr.get('AX%dSEED'%i) vargs = hdr.get('AX%dVARG'%i) varmeta = hdr.get('AX%dMETA'%i) try: initargs = [] if name in # treat all input variables as fixed, using the values # stored in gridFile initargs.append( 'FixedSampler([name])' ) if vargs is not None: initargs.append('%s' % vargs) if seed is not None: initargs.append('seed=%s' % seed) if varmeta is not None: initargs.append('meta=%s' % varmeta) initargs = cls+'('+','.join(initargs)+')' #print('[{}]: '.format(name),initargs) c = eval(initargs) if != name: = name self.addVar(c,noVals=True) except AttributeError: print('WARNING: failed to restore %s' % cls) self._restore(hdr)
def _restore(self,hdr): pass @staticmethod def cosmo_str(cosmodef): if isinstance(cosmodef,cosmology.FLRW): d = dict(,H0=cosmodef.H0.value, Om0=cosmodef.Om0) if cosmodef.Ob0: d['Ob0'] = cosmodef.Ob0 cosmodef = d return str(cosmodef)
[docs] def write(self,outFn=None,simPars=None,outputDir='.', extname=None,overwrite=False): ''' Write a simulation grid to a FITS file as a binary table, storing meta-data in the header. ''' tab = if simPars is not None: simPars = copy(simPars) simPars['Cosmology'] = self.cosmo_str(simPars['Cosmology']) if 'QLFmodel' in simPars['GridParams']: s = str(simPars['GridParams']['QLFmodel']).replace('\n',';') simPars['GridParams']['QLFmodel'] = s tab.meta['SQPARAMS'] = str(simPars) if outFn is None: outFn = simPars['FileName'] tab.meta['COSMO'] = self.cosmo_str(self.cosmo) tab.meta['GRIDUNIT'] = self.units tab.meta['GRIDDIM'] = str(self.gridShape) tab.meta['RANDSEED'] = str(self.seed) if self.photoMap is not None: tab.meta['OBSBANDS'] = ','.join(self.photoMap['bandpasses']) for i,var in enumerate(self.qsoVars): var.updateMeta(tab.meta,'AX%d'%i) tab.meta['NSIMVAR'] = len(self.qsoVars) if outFn is None: outFn = 'qsosim.fits' if not outFn.endswith('.fits'): outFn += '.fits' outFn = os.path.join(outputDir,outFn) tabhdu = fits.table_to_hdu(tab) if extname is not None: = extname if not os.path.isfile(outFn): tabhdu.writeto(outFn) else: hdus =,mode='update') if extname in hdus: if overwrite: hdus[extname] = tabhdu else: pass else: hdus.append(tabhdu) hdus.close()
[docs]class QsoSimPoints(QsoSimObjects): ''' Simulation grid represented as a list of points. Parameters ---------- qsoVars : list of `QsoSimVar` instances Set of variables used to initialize the simulation grid. n : int Number of points in the grid. Not required (None) if the input variables already know how to sample the correct number of points (e.g., if they all use a `FixedSampler`). ''' def __init__(self,qsoVars,n=None,**kwargs): super(QsoSimPoints,self).__init__(qsoVars,**kwargs) data = { for var in qsoVars } = Table(data) self.nObj = len( self.gridShape = (self.nObj,) def __str__(self): return str(
[docs]class QsoSimGrid(QsoSimObjects): ''' Simulation grid represented as a uniform grid. Within each grid cell ``nPerBin`` objects are randomly sampled to fill the cell. Parameters ---------- qsoVars : list of `QsoSimVar` instances Set of variables used to initialize the simulation grid. nBins : tuple Number of bins along each grid axis (i.e., each variable). nPerBin : int Number of objects within each grid cell. ''' def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): self.fixedVars = kwargs.pop('fixed_vars',[]) super(QsoSimGrid,self).__init__(**kwargs) if len(args) > 0: gridVars,nBins,nPerBin = args s = [] for n,v in zip(nBins,gridVars): if n is None: n = len(v(None)) s.append(n) self.gridShape = tuple(s) + (nPerBin,) self._init_grid(gridVars) self._init_grid_data(gridVars) self.addVars(gridVars,noVals=True) def _init_grid(self,gridVars): axes = [] self.gridCenters = [] for n,var in zip(self.gridShape[:-1],gridVars): if isinstance(var.sampler,UniformSampler): if in self.fixedVars: nax = n else: nax = n+1 elif isinstance(var.sampler,FixedSampler): if not in self.fixedVars: raise ValueError nax = n else: raise ValueError axis = var(nax) axes.append(axis) if in self.fixedVars: self.gridCenters.append(axis[:n]) else: self.gridCenters.append(axis[:n]+np.diff(axis)/2) self.gridEdges = np.meshgrid(*axes,indexing='ij') self.nGridDim = len(self.gridShape)-1 def _init_grid_data(self,gridVars): data = {} for i,(v,g) in enumerate(zip(gridVars,self.gridEdges)): s = [ slice(0,n,1) for n in self.gridShape[:self.nGridDim] ] pts0 = g[s][...,np.newaxis] if in self.fixedVars: pts = np.tile(pts0,self.gridShape[-1]) else: x = np.random.random(self.gridShape) binsz = np.diff(g,axis=i) s[i] = slice(None) pts = pts0 + x*binsz[s][...,np.newaxis] data[] = pts.flatten() = Table(data) self.nObj = len( def asGrid(self,name): # in case the column has extra axes (i.e., for flux vectors) outShape = self.gridShape +[name].shape[1:] return np.asarray([name]).reshape(outShape) def _restore(self,hdr): self._init_grid(self.qsoVars[:len(self.gridShape)-1]) def __str__(self): s = "grid dimensions: "+str(self.gridShape)+"\n" s += str(self.gridEdges)+"\n" s += str( return s
[docs]def generateQlfPoints(qlf,mRange,zRange,kcorr,**kwargs): ''' Generate a `QsoSimPoints` grid fed by `AppMagVar` and `RedshiftVar` instances which are sampled from an input luminosity function. Parameters ---------- qlf : `lumfun.LuminosityFunction` instance Representation of QLF to sample from. mRange : sequence (m_min,m_max) Range of apparent magnitudes to sample within [e.g., (17,22)]. zRange : sequence (z_min,z_max) Range of redshifts to sample within [e.g., (2.2,3.5)]. kcorr : callable K-correcton defined by either an `sqbase.SimKCorr` object or an equivalent callable that accepts as arguments (m,z,inverse=False) where m is apparent (absolute) magnitude if inverse is False (True), and z is redshift. qlfseed : int Seed for RNG applied *before* sampling from QLF. gridseed : int Seed for RNG applied *after* sampling from QLF, but before sampling additional variables added to the grid. zin : sequence Optional input redshifts. If supplied only the apparent magnitudes are sampled from the QLF. kwargs : dict Additional parameters passed to `LuminosityFunction.sample_from_fluxrange()`. ''' qlfSeed = kwargs.pop('qlfseed',None) if qlfSeed: np.random.seed(qlfSeed) gridSeed = kwargs.pop('gridseed',None) M,m,z = qlf.sample_from_fluxrange(mRange,zRange,kcorr,**kwargs) M = AbsMagVar(FixedSampler(M),kcorr.restBand) m = AppMagVar(FixedSampler(m),kcorr.obsBand) z = RedshiftVar(FixedSampler(z)) qlfGrid = QsoSimPoints([M,m,z],cosmo=qlf.cosmo,units='flux', seed=gridSeed) return qlfGrid
def generateBEffEmissionLines(M1450,**kwargs): trendFn = kwargs.pop('EmissionLineTrendFilename','emlinetrends_v6') indy = kwargs.pop('EmLineIndependentScatter',False) noScatter = kwargs.pop('NoScatter',False) excludeLines = kwargs.pop('ExcludeLines',[]) onlyLines = kwargs.pop('OnlyLines',None) minEw = kwargs.pop('minEw',None) seed = kwargs.pop('seed',None) verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose',0) if seed: np.random.seed(seed) M_i = M1450 - 1.486 + 0.596 if verbose > 0: print('loading emission line template {}'.format(trendFn)) lineCatalog =,trendFn+'.fits')) for line,scl in kwargs.get('scaleEWs',{}).items(): try: i = np.where(lineCatalog['name']==line)[0][0] except IndexError: print('WARNING: {} not in line template'.format(line)) continue lineCatalog['logEW'][i,:,1] += np.log10(scl) for line,scl in kwargs.get('scaleLogScatter',{}).items(): try: i = np.where(lineCatalog['name']==line)[0][0] except IndexError: print('WARNING: {} not in line template'.format(line)) continue logew = lineCatalog['logEW'][i,:,1] logew[1] = logew[0] - scl*(logew[0]-logew[1]) logew[2] = logew[0] + scl*(logew[2]-logew[0]) if noScatter: for k in ['wavelength','logEW','logWidth']: lineCatalog[k][:,1:] = lineCatalog[k][:,[0]] if indy: x1 = x2 = x3 = None else: x1 = np.random.random(len(M_i)) x2 = np.random.random(len(M_i)) x3 = np.random.random(len(M_i)) # useLines = ~np.in1d(lineCatalog['name'],excludeLines) if onlyLines is not None: useLines &= np.in1d(lineCatalog['name'],onlyLines) if minEw is not None: logEw = np.polyval(lineCatalog['logEW'][:,1].T,-25) useLines &= logEw > np.log10(minEw) # lineList = [ (BaldwinEffectSampler(l['wavelength'],M_i,x1), BaldwinEffectSampler(l['logEW'],M_i,x2), BaldwinEffectSampler(l['logWidth'],M_i,x3)) for l in lineCatalog[useLines] ] lines = BossDr9EmissionLineTemplateVar(lineList, lineCatalog['name'][useLines]) return lines def generateVdBCompositeEmLines(minEW=1.0,noFe=False,verbose=0): tmplfits = os.path.join(datadir,'simqso_templates.fits') all_lines = Table(fits.getdata(tmplfits,'VdB01CompEmLines')) # blended lines are repeated in the table l,li = np.unique(all_lines['OWave'],return_index=True) lines = all_lines[li] li = np.where(lines['EqWid'] > minEW)[0] lines = lines[li] # if noFe: isFe = lines['ID'].find('Fe') == 0 lines = lines[~isFe] if verbose > 0: print('using the following lines from VdB template: ', end=' ') print(','.join(list(lines['ID']))) c = ConstSampler lineList = [ [c(l['OWave']),c(l['EqWid']),c(l['Width'])] for l in lines ] lines = GaussianEmissionLinesTemplateVar(lineList) lines.meta['LINEMODL'] = 'Fixed Vanden Berk et al. 2001 emission lines' return lines class VW01FeTemplateGrid(object): def __init__(self,z,wave,fwhm=5000.,scales=None,useopt=True): self.fwhm = fwhm self.scales = scales self.useopt = useopt z1 = max(0,z.min()-0.1) z2 = z.max() + 0.1 nz = int((z2-z1)/0.005) + 1 self.zbins = np.linspace(z1,z2,nz) self.feGrid = np.empty((self.zbins.shape[0],wave.shape[0])) self.useopt = useopt # the Fe template is an equivalent width spectrum wave0,ew0 = self._restFrameFeTemplate(fwhm,scales) for i,zbin in enumerate(self.zbins): # in units of EW - no (1+z) when redshifting rfEW = interp1d(wave0*(1+zbin),ew0,kind='slinear', bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0) self.feGrid[i] = rfEW(wave) def _loadVW01Fe(self,wave): feTemplate = np.zeros_like(wave) if self.useopt: templnames = ['Fe_UVOPT_V01_T06_BR92','Fe2_UV191','Fe3_UV47'] else: templnames = ['Fe_UVtemplt_B','Fe2_UV191','Fe3_UV47'] with,'simqso_templates.fits')) as tmplfits: for t in templnames: extnm = t if 'UVOPT' in t else 'VW01_'+t tspec = tmplfits[extnm].data spec = interp1d(tspec['wave'],tspec['f_lambda'],kind='slinear') w1,w2 = np.searchsorted(wave,[tspec['wave'][0],tspec['wave'][-1]]) feTemplate[w1:w2] += spec(wave[w1:w2]) return feTemplate def _restFrameFeTemplate(self,FWHM_kms,feScalings): if self.useopt: wave = np.logspace(np.log(1075.),np.log(7500.),9202,base=np.e) else: wave = np.logspace(np.log(1075.),np.log(3089.),5000,base=np.e) feTemplate = self._loadVW01Fe(wave) # rescale segments of the Fe template if feScalings is None: feScalings = [(0,1e4,1.0),] for w1,w2,fscl in feScalings: wi1,wi2 = np.searchsorted(wave,(w1,w2)) feTemplate[wi1:wi2] *= fscl # calculate the total flux (actually, EW since continuum is divided out) flux0 = simps(feTemplate,wave) FWHM_1Zw1 = 900. c_kms = 3e5 sigma_conv = np.sqrt(FWHM_kms**2 - FWHM_1Zw1**2) / \ (2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))) / c_kms dloglam = np.log(wave[1]) - np.log(wave[0]) x = np.arange(-5*sigma_conv,5*sigma_conv,dloglam) gkern = np.exp(-x**2/(2*sigma_conv**2)) / (np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*sigma_conv) broadenedTemp = convolve(feTemplate,gkern,mode='same') feFlux = broadenedTemp feFlux *= flux0/simps(feFlux,wave) return wave,feFlux def get(self,z): zi = np.searchsorted(self.zbins,z) return self.feGrid[zi]