Source code for simqso.sqrun

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table,hstack
from astropy import cosmology

from . import sqbase
from . import sqgrids as grids
from . import hiforest
from . import dustextinction
from . import sqphoto
from . import sqmodels

import multiprocessing

[docs]def buildWaveGrid(simParams): dispersionScale = simParams.get('DispersionScale','logarithmic') if dispersionScale == 'logarithmic': lam1,lam2 = simParams['waveRange'] R = simParams['SpecDispersion'] wave = sqbase.fixed_R_dispersion(lam1,lam2,R) else: raise ValueError('Dispersion scale %s not supported' % dispersionScale) return wave
[docs]def reseed(par): try: np.random.seed(par['RandomSeed']) except KeyError: pass
[docs]def buildQsoGrid(simParams): ''' Create a grid of simulated quasar "points". This function parses the 'GridParams' section of simParams, and intreprets the following options: - FluxRedshiftGrid : points are defined by (appMag,z) - LuminosityRedshiftGrid : points are defined by (absMag,z) - LuminosityFunction : points are defined by (appMag,z) and sampled from a luminosity function. ''' cosmodef = simParams.get('Cosmology') gridPars = simParams['GridParams'] try: gridType = gridPars['GridType'] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Must specify a GridType') kcorrType = gridPars.get('InitialKCorrection','Continuum') if kcorrType == 'Continuum': kcorr = sqbase.ContinuumKCorr(gridPars['ObsBand'], gridPars['RestBand']) elif kcorrType == 'DefaultEmissionLine': kcorr = sqbase.EmissionLineKCorr(gridPars['ObsBand'], gridPars['RestBand']) else: raise ValueError reseed(gridPars) # def get_nbins(low,high,n): if type(n) is int: return n else: return int( np.floor((high - low) / n) ) if gridType.endswith('RedshiftGrid'): m1,m2,nm = gridPars['mRange'] z1,z2,nz = gridPars['zRange'] nBins = ( get_nbins(m1,m2,nm), get_nbins(z1,z2,nz) ) mSampler = grids.UniformSampler(m1,m2) zSampler = grids.UniformSampler(z1,z2) if gridType.startswith('Luminosity'): m = grids.AbsMagVar(mSampler,restWave=gridPars['LumUnits']) units = 'luminosity' elif gridType.startswith('Flux'): m = grids.AppMagVar(mSampler,gridPars['ObsBand']) units = 'flux' z = grids.RedshiftVar(zSampler) elif gridType == 'FixedGrid': raise NotImplementedError m = grids.FixedSampler(gridPars['fixed_M']) z = grids.FixedSampler(gridPars['fixed_z']) # XXX units elif gridType == 'LuminosityFunction': try: qlf = gridPars['QLFmodel'] qlf.set_cosmology(cosmodef) except KeyError: raise ValueError('Must specify a parameterization of the LF') qsoGrid = grids.generateQlfPoints(qlf, gridPars['mRange'], gridPars['zRange'], kcorr, **gridPars['QLFargs']) units = 'flux' else: raise ValueError('GridType %s unknown' % gridType) if gridType != 'LuminosityFunction': qsoGrid = grids.QsoSimGrid([m,z],nBins,gridPars['nPerBin'], units=units,cosmo=cosmodef) try: _ = qsoGrid.absMag except: absMag = grids.AbsMagFromAppMagVar(qsoGrid.appMag,z,kcorr,cosmo, gridPars['RestBand']) qsoGrid.addVar(absMag) return qsoGrid
[docs]def buildForest(wave,z,simParams,outputDir): '''Create a set of absorbers for a given number of lines-of-sight, sampled according to the input forest model. Then calculate the transmission along each line of sight. The input redshifts correspond to individual QSOs. The number of LOSs is generally smaller so that fewer forest computations are needed; individual LOSs are built up in redshift steps as each QSO redshift is iterated. ''' forestParams = simParams['ForestParams'] reseed(forestParams) forestFn = forestParams.get('FileName') tgrid = None if forestFn: try: tgrid = hiforest.CachedIGMTransmissionGrid(forestFn,outputDir) if not np.allclose(wave[:len(tgrid.specWave)],tgrid.specWave): raise ValueError("Input wavegrid doesn't match stored wave") except IOError: pass if tgrid is None: nlos = forestParams['NumLinesOfSight'] forestModel = forestParams['ForestModel'] if isinstance(forestModel,str): forestModel = sqmodels.forestModels[forestModel] tgrid = hiforest.IGMTransmissionGrid(wave,forestModel,nlos, zmax=z.max(),**forestParams) return tgrid
[docs]def buildContinuumModels(qsoGrid,simParams,verbose=0): continuumParams = simParams['QuasarModelParams']['ContinuumParams'] reseed(continuumParams) slopes = continuumParams['PowerLawSlopes'][::2] breakpts = continuumParams['PowerLawSlopes'][1::2] if verbose > 0: print('... building continuum grid') cmodel = continuumParams['ContinuumModel'] if cmodel == 'BrokenPowerLaw': slopeVars = [ grids.GaussianSampler(*s) for s in slopes ] continuumVars = [ grids.BrokenPowerLawContinuumVar(slopeVars, breakpts) ] elif isinstance(cmodel,grids.QsoSimVar): continuumVars = [ cmodel ] else: raise ValueError qsoGrid.addVars(continuumVars)
[docs]def buildEmissionLineGrid(qsoGrid,simParams): emLineParams = simParams['QuasarModelParams']['EmissionLineParams'] reseed(emLineParams) if emLineParams['EmissionLineModel'] == 'FixedVdBCompositeLines': emLineGrid = grids.generateVdBCompositeEmLines( minEW=emLineParams.get('minEW',1.0), noFe=emLineParams.get('VdB_noFe',False)) elif emLineParams['EmissionLineModel'] == 'VariedEmissionLineGrid': emLineGrid = grids.generateBEffEmissionLines(qsoGrid.absMag, **emLineParams) elif isinstance(emLineParams['EmissionLineModel'],grids.QsoSimVar): emLineGrid = emLineParams['EmissionLineModel'] else: raise ValueError('invalid emission line model: ' + emLineParams['EmissionLineModel']) qsoGrid.addVar(emLineGrid)
[docs]def buildDustGrid(qsoGrid,simParams,verbose=0): if verbose > 0: print('... building dust extinction grid') dustParams = simParams['QuasarModelParams']['DustExtinctionParams'] reseed(dustParams) if dustParams['DustExtinctionModel'] == 'Fixed E(B-V)': sampler = grids.ConstSampler(dustParams['E(B-V)']) elif dustParams['DustExtinctionModel']=='Exponential E(B-V) Distribution': sampler = grids.ExponentialSampler(dustParams['E(B-V)']) else: raise ValueError('invalid dust extinction model: '+ dustParams['DustExtinctionModel']) if dustParams['DustModelName'] == 'SMC': dustVar = grids.SMCDustVar(sampler) elif dustParams['DustModelName'] == 'CalzettiSB': dustVar = grids.CalzettiDustVar(sampler) else: raise ValueError('invalid dust extinction model: '+ dustParams['DustModelName']) # XXX # fraction=dustParams.get('DustLOSfraction',1.0)) qsoGrid.addVar(dustVar)
[docs]def buildFeatures(qsoGrid,wave,simParams,forest=None,verbose=0): buildContinuumModels(qsoGrid,simParams,verbose=verbose) qsoParams = simParams['QuasarModelParams'] if 'EmissionLineParams' in qsoParams: buildEmissionLineGrid(qsoGrid,simParams) if 'IronEmissionParams' in qsoParams: # only option for now is the VW01 template scalings = qsoParams['IronEmissionParams'].get('FeScalings') feGrid = grids.VW01FeTemplateGrid(qsoGrid.z,wave,scales=scalings) qsoGrid.addVar(grids.FeTemplateVar(feGrid)) if 'DustExtinctionParams' in qsoParams: buildDustGrid(qsoGrid,simParams,verbose=verbose) if forest is not None: if isinstance(forest,hiforest.CachedIGMTransmissionGrid): losMap = forest.losMap else: losMap = None if isinstance(forest,hiforest.GridForest): forestVar = grids.SightlineVar(forest,losMap=losMap) else: forestVar = grids.HIAbsorptionVar(forest,losMap=losMap) qsoGrid.addVar(forestVar)
def _getpar(feature,obj): if feature is None: return None elif isinstance(feature.sampler,grids.NullSampler): return None elif isinstance(feature.sampler,grids.IndexSampler): return obj.index else: return obj[]
[docs]def buildQsoSpectrum(wave,cosmo,specFeatures,obj,iterNum=1, save_components=False): spec = sqbase.Spectrum(wave,z=obj['z']) if save_components: base = sqbase.Spectrum(spec.wave,spec.f_lambda.copy(),spec.z) components = {} # start with continuum if cosmo is None: fluxNorm = None else: distmod = lambda z: cosmo.distmod(z).value fluxNorm = {'wavelength':1450.,'M_AB':obj['absMag'],'DM':distmod} for feature in specFeatures: if isinstance(feature,grids.ContinuumVar): assocvals = _getpar(feature.get_associated_var(),obj) spec = feature.add_to_spec(spec,_getpar(feature,obj), assocvals=assocvals, fluxNorm=fluxNorm) if save_components: components[] = spec - base base.f_lambda[:] = spec.f_lambda # add emission (multiplicative) features emspec = sqbase.Spectrum(wave,z=obj['z']) if save_components: base = sqbase.Spectrum(emspec.wave,emspec.f_lambda.copy(),emspec.z) for feature in specFeatures: if isinstance(feature,grids.EmissionFeatureVar): assocvals = _getpar(feature.get_associated_var(),obj) emspec = feature.add_to_spec(emspec,_getpar(feature,obj), assocvals=assocvals) if save_components: components[] = emspec - base base.f_lambda[:] = emspec.f_lambda spec *= emspec + 1 # add any remaining features for feature in specFeatures: if isinstance(feature,grids.ContinuumVar) or \ isinstance(feature,grids.EmissionFeatureVar): continue assocvals = _getpar(feature.get_associated_var(),obj) spec = feature.add_to_spec(spec,_getpar(feature,obj), assocvals=assocvals, advance=(iterNum==1)) if save_components: components[] = spec - base base.f_lambda[:] = spec.f_lambda if save_components: return spec,components else: return spec
[docs]def buildGrpSpectra(wave,cosmo,specFeatures,photoCache,saveSpectra, fluxBand,nIter,verbose,objGroup): n = len(objGroup) if verbose and verbose > 0: losGrp = objGroup['igmlos'][0] if losGrp % verbose == 0: print('processing ',n,' obj in group ',losGrp) rv = dict() if photoCache: nb = len(photoCache) rv['synMag'] = np.zeros((n,nb),dtype=np.float32) rv['synFlux'] = np.zeros((n,nb),dtype=np.float32) if saveSpectra: nw = len(wave) rv['spectra'] = np.zeros((n,nw),dtype=np.float32) zi = objGroup['z'].argsort() for i in zi: for iterNum in range(1,nIter+1): sp = buildQsoSpectrum(wave,cosmo,specFeatures,objGroup[i],iterNum) if photoCache is not None: synMag,synFlux = sqphoto.calcSynPhot(sp,photoCache=photoCache) if nIter > 1: dm = synMag[fluxBand] - objGroup['appMag'][i] objGroup['absMag'][i] -= dm # resample features with updated absolute mags for var in specFeatures: if var.dependentVars is not None: var.resample(objGroup[var.dependentVars][i],ii=i) # pass index as 1d-array to preserve correct shape objGroup[][i] = var(None,ii=np.array([i])) if np.abs(dm) < 0.005: break if photoCache is not None: rv['synMag'][i] = synMag rv['synFlux'][i] = synFlux if saveSpectra: rv['spectra'][i] = sp.f_lambda rv['absMag'] = objGroup['absMag'].copy() return rv
def _regroup(spOut): # XXX tell me there's a better way to do this n = len(spOut[0]) rv = [ [] for i in range(n) ] for sp in spOut: for j in range(n): rv[j].append(sp[j]) return [ np.array(v) for v in rv ]
[docs]def buildSpectraBySightLine(wave,qsoGrid,procMap=map, maxIter=1,verbose=0,saveSpectra=False): '''Assemble the spectral components of QSOs from the input parameters. Parameters ---------- wave : `~numpy.ndarray` Input wavelength grid. ''' photoCache = qsoGrid.getPhotoCache(wave) if verbose > 0: print('simulating ',qsoGrid.nObj,' quasar spectra') print('units are ',qsoGrid.units) print('max number iterations: ',maxIter) verby = 0 if not verbose else qsoGrid.nObj//(5*verbose) if qsoGrid.units == 'luminosity' or photoCache is None: nIter = 1 fluxBand = None else: nIter = maxIter fluxBand = qsoGrid.getObsBandIndex() # # extract the feature lists, group by sightline, and run specFeatures = qsoGrid.getVars(grids.SpectralFeatureVar) build_grp_spec = partial(buildGrpSpectra,wave,qsoGrid.cosmo, specFeatures,photoCache,saveSpectra, fluxBand,nIter,verby) qsoGroups = qsoGrid.group_by('igmlos',with_index=True) # doesn't like the iterable produced by table.group_by(), so # forcing resolution of the elements here with list() -- not that much # memory anyway specOut = list(procMap(build_grp_spec,list(qsoGroups))) if qsoGrid.photoMap: bands = qsoGrid.photoBands def newarr(): return np.zeros((qsoGrid.nObj,len(bands)),dtype=np.float32) qsoGrid.addVar(grids.SynMagVar(grids.FixedSampler(newarr()))) qsoGrid.addVar(grids.SynFluxVar(grids.FixedSampler(newarr()))) # the output needs to be remapped to the input locations for objgrp,out in zip(qsoGroups,specOut): for k in ['absMag','synMag','synFlux']:[k][objgrp['_ii']] = out[k] if saveSpectra: spectra = np.vstack([s['spectra'] for s in specOut]) spectra = spectra[qsoGroups.parent['_ii'].argsort()] else: spectra = None return qsoGrid,spectra
[docs]def buildSpecWithPhot(wave,cosmo,specFeatures,photoCache, objData,iterNum=None,saveSpectra=False): sp = buildQsoSpectrum(wave,cosmo,specFeatures,objData, iterNum=iterNum) if photoCache is None: rv = (None,None) else: rv = sqphoto.calcSynPhot(sp,photoCache=photoCache) if saveSpectra: rv = rv + (sp.f_lambda,) else: rv = rv + (None,) return rv
[docs]def buildSpectraBulk(wave,qsoGrid,procMap=map, maxIter=1,verbose=0,saveSpectra=False): '''Assemble the spectral components of QSOs from the input parameters. Parameters ---------- wave : `~numpy.ndarray` Input wavelength grid. ''' photoCache = qsoGrid.getPhotoCache(wave) if verbose > 0: print('simulating ',qsoGrid.nObj,' quasar spectra') print('units are ',qsoGrid.units) if qsoGrid.units == 'luminosity' or photoCache is None: nIter = 1 fluxBand = None else: nIter = maxIter fluxBand = qsoGrid.getObsBandIndex() # for iterNum in range(1,nIter+1): specFeatures = qsoGrid.getVars(grids.SpectralFeatureVar) samplers = [] for f in specFeatures: samplers.append(f.sampler) if not ( isinstance(f.sampler,grids.NullSampler) or isinstance(f.sampler,grids.IndexSampler) ): f.sampler = None build_one_spec = partial(buildSpecWithPhot,wave,qsoGrid.cosmo, specFeatures,photoCache,iterNum=iterNum, saveSpectra=saveSpectra) if verbose > 1: print('buildSpectra iteration ',iterNum,' out of ',nIter) specOut = list(procMap(build_one_spec,qsoGrid)) specOut = _regroup(specOut) synMag,synFlux,spectra = specOut v = qsoGrid.getVars(grids.SightlineVar) if len(v) > 0 and isinstance(v[0].forest,hiforest.GridForest): jj,dm,df = v[0].forest.get(['igmlos'],['z']) synMag[:,jj] += dm synFlux[:,jj] *= df for f,s in zip(specFeatures,samplers): f.sampler = s if nIter > 1: # find the largest mag offset dm = synMag[:,fluxBand] - qsoGrid.appMag if verbose > 1: print('--> delta mag mean = %.7f, rms = %.7f, |max| = %.7f' % \ (dm.mean(),dm.std(),np.abs(dm).max())) qsoGrid.absMag[:] -= dm dmagMax = np.abs(dm).max() # resample features with updated absolute mags for var in specFeatures: if var.dependentVars is not None: var.resample([var.dependentVars])[][:] = var(None) if dmagMax < 0.01: break if qsoGrid.photoMap is not None: qsoGrid.addVar(grids.SynMagVar(grids.FixedSampler(synMag))) qsoGrid.addVar(grids.SynFluxVar(grids.FixedSampler(synFlux))) return qsoGrid,spectra
[docs]def readSimulationData(fileName,outputDir,retParams=False,clean=False): qsoGrid = grids.QsoSimObjects(),fileName+'.fits'),clean=clean) simPars = qsoGrid.simPars gridPars = simPars['GridParams'] if True: mSampler = grids.FixedSampler(qsoGrid.appMag) m = grids.AppMagVar(mSampler,gridPars['ObsBand']) try: mSampler = grids.FixedSampler(qsoGrid.appMag) m = grids.AppMagVar(mSampler,gridPars['ObsBand']) except: mSampler = grids.FixedSampler(qsoGrid.absMag) m = grids.AbsMagVar(mSampler,restWave=gridPars['LumUnits']) z = grids.RedshiftVar(grids.FixedSampler(qsoGrid.z)) qsoGrid.addVars([m,z]) if retParams: return qsoGrid,simPars return qsoGrid
[docs]def restore_qso_grid(fileName,wave,outputDir='.',**kwargs): qsoGrid = grids.QsoSimObjects() if not fileName.endswith('.fits'): fileName += '.fits',fileName),**kwargs) # IGM transmission spectra depend on a (possibly) pre-computed grid, # which must be regenerated try: hiVar = qsoGrid.getVars(grids.HIAbsorptionVar)[0] fmodel,nlos,kwargs = hiVar.varmeta igmGrid = hiforest.IGMTransmissionGrid(wave,fmodel,nlos,**kwargs) hiVar.set_forest_grid(igmGrid) except IndexError: # no forest pass # Fe template spectra depend on a (possibly) pre-computed grid, # which must be regenerated try: feVar = qsoGrid.getVars(grids.FeTemplateVar)[0] kwargs = feVar.varmeta fetempl = grids.VW01FeTemplateGrid(qsoGrid.z,wave,**kwargs) feVar.set_template_grid(fetempl) except IndexError: # no forest pass # return qsoGrid
[docs]def qsoSimulation(simParams,**kwargs): ''' Run a complete simulation. 1. Construct grid of QSOs. 2. Generate Lyman forest transmission spectra from a subsample of random LOSs (optional). 3. Sample QSO spectral features (continuum, emission lines, dust). 4. Build simulated spectra and derive photometry (photometry is optional). 5. Transfer the simulated photometry to observed photometry by calculating errors and folding them in (optional). Parameters ---------- saveSpectra : bool save the simulated spectra, not just the photometry. Beware! result may be quite large (Nqso x Npixels). [default:False] forestOnly : bool Only generate the forest transmission spectra. [default:False] noPhotoMap : bool skip the simulation of observed photometry [default:False] outputDir : str write files to this directory [default:'./'] nproc : int number of processes to use [default: 1] ''' saveSpectra = kwargs.get('saveSpectra',False) forestOnly = kwargs.get('forestOnly',False) noPhotoMap = kwargs.get('noPhotoMap',False) noWriteOutput = kwargs.get('noWriteOutput',False) outputDir = kwargs.get('outputDir','./') nproc = kwargs.get('nproc',1) verbose = kwargs.get('verbose',0) # # build or restore the grid of (M,z) for each QSO # wave = buildWaveGrid(simParams) reseed(simParams) if nproc > 1: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nproc) procMap = else: procMap = map timerLog = sqbase.TimerLog() try: qsoGrid,simParams = readSimulationData(simParams['FileName'], outputDir,retParams=True, clean=True) except IOError: if verbose > 0: print(simParams['FileName']+' output not found') if 'GridFileName' in simParams: if verbose > 0: print('restoring grid from ',simParams['GridFileName']) try: qsoGrid = readSimulationData(simParams['GridFileName'], outputDir) except IOError: if verbose > 0: print(simParams['GridFileName'],' not found, generating') qsoGrid = buildQsoGrid(simParams) qsoGrid.write(simParams,outputDir, simParams['GridFileName']+'.fits') else: if verbose > 0: print('generating QSO grid') qsoGrid = buildQsoGrid(simParams) if not forestOnly: if not noWriteOutput and 'GridFileName' in simParams: qsoGrid.write(simParams,outputDir, simParams['GridFileName']+'.fits') qsoGrid.setCosmology(simParams.get('Cosmology')) timerLog('Initialize Grid') # # configure the IGM transmission spectra grid (load if cached) # if 'ForestParams' in simParams: forest = buildForest(wave,qsoGrid.z,simParams,outputDir) else: forest = None if forestOnly: timerLog.dump() return # if isinstance(forest,hiforest.IGMTransmissionGrid): # build sightlines on-the-fly buildSpec = buildSpectraBySightLine # if the user specified a file name, save the forest spectra in it fpar = simParams.get('ForestParams',{}) forestFn = fpar.get('FileName') if forestFn: # map the objects to sightlines and save the forest spectra grid losSampler = grids.RandomSubSampler(forest.numSightLines) losMap = losSampler.sample(qsoGrid.nObj) forest.write(forestFn,outputDir,losMap=losMap, z_em=qsoGrid.z,**fpar) # now use the cached forest forest = hiforest.CachedIGMTransmissionGrid(forestFn,outputDir) if not np.allclose(wave[:len(tgrid.specWave)],tgrid.specWave): raise ValueError("Input wavegrid doesn't match stored wave") timerLog('Generate Forest') else: # else no forest or cached forest buildSpec = buildSpectraBulk # qsoGrid.loadPhotoMap(simParams['PhotoMapParams']['PhotoSystems']) if 'GridForestFile' in simParams: forest = hiforest.GridForest(simParams['GridForestFile'], qsoGrid.photoBands) # # add the quasar model variables to the grid (does the random sampling) # buildFeatures(qsoGrid,wave,simParams,forest,verbose=verbose) timerLog('Generate Features') # # Use continuum and emission line distributions to build the components # of the intrinsic QSO spectrum, then calculate photometry # _,spectra = buildSpec(wave,qsoGrid,procMap, maxIter=simParams.get('maxFeatureIter',5), verbose=verbose,saveSpectra=saveSpectra) timerLog('Build Quasar Spectra') # # map the simulated photometry to observed values with uncertainties # if not noPhotoMap: if verbose > 0: print('mapping photometry') reseed(simParams['PhotoMapParams']) photoData = sqphoto.calcObsPhot(qsoGrid.synFlux,qsoGrid.photoMap) qsoGrid.addData(photoData) timerLog('PhotoMap') timerLog.dump() if nproc > 1: pool.close() if not noWriteOutput: qsoGrid.write(simPars=simParams,outputDir=outputDir) if saveSpectra: spfn = os.path.join(outputDir,simParams['FileName']+'_spectra.fits') save_spectra(wave,spectra,spfn,outputDir) return qsoGrid,spectra else: return qsoGrid
[docs]def load_sim_output(simFileName,outputDir='.',with_spec=True): simdat,par = readSimulationData(simFileName,outputDir,retParams=True) if with_spec: sp = fits.getdata(os.path.join(outputDir,simFileName+'_spectra.fits')) wave = buildWaveGrid(par) qsos = hstack([,Table(dict(spec=sp))]) return wave,qsos else: return
[docs]def save_spectra(wave,spectra,fileName,outputDir='.',overwrite=True): logwave = np.log(wave[:2]) dloglam = np.diff(logwave) hdr = fits.Header() hdr['CD1_1'] = float(dloglam) hdr['CRPIX1'] = 1 hdr['CRVAL1'] = logwave[0] hdr['CRTYPE1'] = 'LOGWAVE' hdr['SPECSCAL'] = (1e-17,'erg/s/cm^2/A') spectra = (spectra*1e17).astype(np.float32) if not fileName.endswith('.fits'): fileName += '.fits' fits.writeto(os.path.join(outputDir,fileName),spectra,header=hdr, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs]def load_spectra(fileName,outputDir='.'): if not fileName.endswith('.fits'): fileName += '.fits' spec,hdr = fits.getdata(fileName,header=True) wi = np.arange(spec.shape[-1]) logwave = hdr['CRVAL1'] + hdr['CD1_1']*(wi-(hdr['CRPIX1']-1)) wave = np.exp(logwave) return wave,spec
[docs]def generate_default_binned_forest(fileName,outputDir='.',**kwargs): nlos = kwargs.pop('numSightlines',1000) zbins = kwargs.pop('zBins',np.arange(0.1,4.6,0.025)) waverange = kwargs.pop('waverange',(1300.,7000)) R = kwargs.pop('R',300) hiforest.generate_binned_forest(fileName,sqmodels.WP11_model, nlos,zbins,waverange,R, outputDir=outputDir,**kwargs)